
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Don't need no stinking land.......

Look closely at the picture to the left. Looks like a nice shot of a border bed, doesn't it. Wrong! It's actually on my deck. You can see the wood slats, and if you look real carefully at about the middle along the left edge, there's the hint of a clay pot. One of the lessons I learned from that first fire escape "garden" was the value of masses of pots to create gardens. Wish I had pictures of that fire escape. From memory the flowers were fairly pedestrian, petunias, violas, my beloved moss roses, whatever I could get at the convenience store in our neighborhood which sold plants each spring. I hadn't learned to mix plants in a pot, that i could grow herbs, veggies, the tropicals/tender perennials, and even actual perennials in these container gardens.

More shots from the same deck. This was my Louisville home, the transition garden between life on the farm and my new life. A home with a nice deck, but little yard. While I wasn't yet digging in the dirt to start a new garden, I couldn't resist the masses of plants.....some I'd moved with me when I left my former life....others purchased anew. A mix of annuals, tropicals - the dramatic cannas to the gawky but yummy smelling night blooming jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum). Coleus played a large role, as did herbs, esp lavender, rosemary, grown more for their scent than any other use.

When we did move on, and build our house outside St Louis, I continued this practice of massing pots. On the driveway to hide the air conditioning unit...

One each corner of the patio...........

At this new Milwaukee house, I'm just starting to feel my way around the garden. Unsure where to take this one. Did plant the couple of wooden barrels the old owners had left behind. One to herbs, the other to a more decorative mix. The first thing I've noticed from my earlier gardens is how the cooler temps, esp. nights, have slowed the plant growth. The plants are settling in, but not growing to the abundance I expected. I know, with time it will come...really hoping posting these pics below the ones above, will shame these plants to grow...esp. you 'Black Magic' are supposed to be the tall focal point here..please take note of the one above by the air conditioner. I've got my eye on you, and that is more what I am expecting!

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