
Monday, December 6, 2010

Wonder and Letting go...Reverb 10 prompts 4 & 5

Combining two Reverb 10 prompts in this post. Not because the subject matter is the same...but because my reaction to both prompts was very similar. As was the throught process throughout the rest of that day.

In both cases, my immediate reaction was negative. As in I didn't do that. I had no wonder. I let nothing go. Mentally kicking myself for not doing more, not doing "better". Felt a little sad. My tweets to each of the the prompts reflected this initial reaction. But as the day went by, and I gave it more thought, the answers were clearer, more positive, a bit affirming. In both cases, yes, I'm sure I could have done more. Can name a hundred different things I coulda, shoulda done. Heck, we probably all can say that about most any aspect of our lives. But bottom line, on both wonder and letting go, they played a significant role in my year.

Perhaps one of the best things about this month long journey through the Reverb 10 prompts will be the affirming of the good, positive parts of the year, while recognizing the opportunities, shortfalls..........and synthesizing these to frame my very best 2011.

Prompt 4-

December 4 – Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? (Author: Jeffrey Davis)
My tweet: Today's #reverb10 prompt has me bit vexed. Gonna have to think this through. Bit sad didn't have immediate answer
How typical of me to discount the obvious. Cultivating a sense of wonder, a sense of play has become a staple of my life. The whole reason I began to work out, become more fit was to keep up with my now 11 year old son. Through that I have learned to appreciate more of life through his eyes. To not only value but to cultivate play. To constantly seek to learn, to try new things. 

I've blogged about appreciating Milwaukee, of exploring Chicago, biking California, riding a bike through the jungles of Mexico and single track In Wisconsin. Of a new appreciation of nature, of being outdoors that being more fit as given me. Play, wonder is a part of my life.

I cannot take wonder for granted, but I also cannot discount how far I've come.

Prompt 5 -

December 5 – Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? (Author: Alice Bradley)
My tweet: Another thought provoking #reverb10 prompt. As I ponder "Let Go" think this may be more about what I should; not what I have
As I thought through this, I was reminded of a book I read probably 15 years ago, "Feel the Fear and do it anyway" by Susan Jeffers. Some of my most empowering moments or events this year have been when I have faced a fear.

Let fear go.

Taking the class and getting scuba certified, tackled a fear I'd held for literally decades. Let go of the idea that this was something I could not do, would never do.  Let go of the idea I wasn't physically fit enough to complete the class, to pass the 200yd swim (my facebook friends may remember my elation when I not only completed the swim - but was the fastest female, beating several young women 30 years my junior). Completing the class was big. Actually getting certified bigger.

The second major fear milestone was to begin to bike commute. I'd let fear stop me from this for 18 months. Afraid of traffic, afraid I wasn't fit enough to make the commute. Yet, once I finally faced those fears, overcame them heck, blew them away, I felt strong. Reaffirmed myself, and all that I can do. Brought both strength and wonder to my day.

There have been other ways I have faced fear in both my personal and professional life in 2010. I know this is a demon I will continue to face in 2011. I hope and pray I can touch back on these times I have looked a fear dead in the eye and conquered.

There are plenty of things in this life to stumble over, plenty of things to fear. However, I should never let fear of failing to be the reason I fail or worse, do not begin, do not try. Fear of failure is one fear I alone have the power to conquer, to finally let go.........

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