
Monday, May 30, 2011

Flat Tire Decor Review

My friend and garden blog guru, MrBrownThumb, asked me to join a group of garden bloggers reviewing products from Flat Tire Decor. I would receive one of their products for no charge, and provide a blog post of my experience and opinion. Other than receiving the product, I was not compensated for this review, and these are my honest opinions.

Flat Tire Decor is a Milwaukee (West Allis) based company that recycles/reuses old tires by turning them into footwear and other products.  Milwaukee company and keeping tires out of landfills, how great is that? I received their largest basket, the 'Newport', a two handled trug-type shape that's about 8"high with an 8" base and 12" top opening. (Milwaukee folks - you can get these at any of the 4 Elliott's Ace Hardware stores)

Kiddo suggested I use the Newport to chill drinks. This is a great use. We like serving food buffet style, and are always looking for different ways to present guests with self serve options for many different beers, wines or soda. I know, I have one smart Kiddo, thanks for noticing. He earned a pack of his fav Sprecher Cream Soda as a reward for coming up with the idea.
 My other favorite use was on the back of my bike. The stiff nature of the tires, allowed the sides to hold up to the bungee cords. The open top allowed me to safely carry plants and other farmer's market finds which could get damaged in the pannier or messenger bags.
Ironically, the most obvious use of the Newport was my least favorite. I am a huge fan of using trugs in the garden, and already own three. I mix dirt and fertilizer in them, fill them with weeds, use them to tote tools, plants and other things around the garden. However, for this purpose, I wasn't overly fond of the Newport. A bit too small, handles felt a bit clunky in my hands.

However, I so liked the idea of using the Flat Tire Decor items with my bike, that I exchanged several tweets with the owner (their twitter account is @flattiredecor) suggesting they make a bike basket version. An oval similar in size to the Newport with a way to attach to handlebars would be great. Even better with an easy on off feature to allow the user to carry it around while shopping and then quickly put on the bike. Something about using waste from an auto while using my bike as transportation makes me smile.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Taking A Bite Out Of The Big Apple

 In addition to a lot of walking around New York, we did a bunch of eating and drinking. This was a work related trip (hubby's work, not mine). Good food, good company and good drink was guaranteed.

 Being the Top Chef fan girl I am, I couldn't go to New York without visiting Tom Colicchio's restaurant CraftBar. Naturally, we had walked there. Taking a path up Fifth Avenue with a walk through the Union Square Greenmarket. The Andy Memorial brought a smile to my face.

We were at Craftbar mid-day, so enjoyed a cheese plate, along with some craft beers. Hopefully, on a future trip to NYC, we can add dinner at Craft or Craftbar to my list of Top Chef restaurants where I've dined. Tho' I can already add this to the ones I've enjoyed.
One of the highlights of the trip was the "Neighborhood Nosh Tour". 8 of our group choose this as an excursion on a Saturday morning in early May. We began the tour at Ferrara's  in Little Italy for coffee and cannoli, which we enjoyed outside the restaurant.

After eating our fill of these delectable sweets, we needed to walk a bit to work up an appetite for our next stop. A tour through Little Italy and on the Chinatown, with a stop along Canal Street to haggle on "real" Rolex, Coach, Louis Vitton, Chanel did the trick.
I found the shops and street vendors in Chinatown fascinating.
Our destination was Columbus Park where we ate Tasty Dumplings while watching people young and old perform Tai Chai, play chess, and mingle in the park.
A quick bus ride brought us to the East Village to Yonah Schimmel's Knishery. I've never had a knish. As knishes go, I'm sure these were quite good. BUT....while I love potatoes, knishes just went to my been there done that, checked the box list. Not a fan. The Egg Creams, tho', I could do again (but I'm a huge fan of Chocolate Phosphates)

We ended the tour with a trip to Empire Candy. Was so stuffed at this point, going to a place to buy something for later ws just the ticket. Bought several treats to bring home to Kiddo while here.

 One of the more unique experiences happened on our first night as we walked to the restuarant the group was met by the trip sponsor's, and asked to sign the "Cask of Dreams", which was then rolled down the street to Public, our restaurant of the evening.

This was Derby weekend, so we had to find a place to watch the race and drink a mint julep - Brinkle's worked out well for that. And, of course, I worked in a Blue Moon or two (including on Broadway at Million DOllar Quartet).
 On our last morning in NYC, we walked back to the East Village for sandwiches at Katz's Deli. Made famous in the "I'll have what she's having" scene of 'When Harry Met Sally', this Ny Deli is known for their pastrami sandwiches and salami. Loved it.
In fact, loved this trip. Can't wait to get back to NYC!

This is part 2 of a trip report on NYC, part  1 is here